Wednesday, May 2, 2007

Constanly In Motion

Through movement I arrive at a place closer to who I am; I'm not there yet. Running, riding, like anything started with mild interest, curiosity, a means to attain some health or fitness goal. All of that is gone now, once a hobby, cycling and running have become a lifestyle.

I do not undergo the daily anguish and rumination about whether or not I will make it out today, I made that decision once and the books have been closed. The spiritual self-healing basking in a beautiful day nonsense does not matter, I'm going anyway. I don't check the weather- the only thing to find there is excuses. Bring it on Chicago. Sometimes I get lost in the moment and glide effortlessly, but usually it's hard and each step saps into some disciplined determination.

I worry that modern advancements have made us soft and deprived us of our basic right to struggle. In a world of reality TV, cars that parallel park themselves, "tall" being the smallest size on the menu, whining about service on restaurant rating websites- this is an opportunity for everyone to do something real.,7148,s6-238-277-278-0-0-0-0-0,00.html

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